Put A Cravat On It Part II

Richard Armitage, in a motherfucking cravat!, as Mr. Thornton in NORTH AND SOUTH.
Richard Armitage, in a motherfucking cravat!, as Mr. Thornton in NORTH AND SOUTH.

Dear Internet,
364 days ago, I wrote a blog post chronicling my extensive knowledge of British television and period dramas, which spurned me to create a list. The list went from about few dozen shows to now over 100. And it continues to grow.
I’ve been updating the original list every couple of months, but because of the length and breadth of the explanation before the list, it seemed wise to stop updating the blog piece and move the list to its own page to keep it better contained AND alphabetized it because woah, I had a lot of duplicate entries.
Some notes:

  • I follow the following blogs/websites to find out about upcoming stories: Digital Spy, Telly Visions, Tellyspotting, TVWise, Radio Times, and BBC History Extra.
  • The Lady and the Rose has a regularly updated list of period dramas (including movies), fairyland and fantasy costume dramas, and a list of movies/series coming up in 2015 and beyond.
  • I linked to streaming, if available, on Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, and Acorn.tv. If a show is also on a premium channel like HBO or Starz, linked there as well.
  • Acorn.TV is a streaming service that allows you to watch as a channel on the Roku or online. If you’re a big fan of Britishisms, it’s absurdly cheap and packed with a mighty list of things not available anywhere and also gets a lot of exclusives, such as they ran Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries before anyone else had it.
  • Hulu and Hulu+ have a ton of Britishisms and other related foreign shows not found anywhere else.
  • Lots of Masterpiece shows (stuff that is normally aired on BBC or ITV) is now available on Amazon as well as more non-US stories not found anywhere else.
  • Your yearly outlay for all four services will be about $150. Absurdly great deal when  you consider how much TV/Movies you get on top of the period pieces.

As always, contact if you have any questions, updates, or etc.

this day in lisa-universe: 2013

introducing skaldic press

dear internet,
i am a ceo and now own my own company.
it’s true. i even have my own EIN and some fool gave me a business credit card.
i own 100% of a company which is (currently) worth $0. but that’s all about to change.
skaldic press, llc came into existence in the spring of 2014 when i started planning my year long writing sabbatical. i needed a business front for all of my writing activities and a way to track expenses related to research and other necessities. as most of you know, however, the last few months of 2014 have been unbelievably hellish and the concept was shelved.
now that I’m better equipped emotionally and rationally to handle all of this change, it was time to kick start skaldic press, llc back into existence AND i needed a way to make an income.
what exactly will skaldic press, llc be publishing?
on a more specific scale, skaldic press, llc current projects on the table are the eBook front which will be volumes my online diary entries from the late ’90s and early ’00s bundled in eBook format, which i will be selling on amazon and ibook. the entries will always remain free on the website.
there is also a literary ‘zine, so glad is my heart. which i’ll be launching in the spring.  plus i have a few other projects that will be coming to fruition in the next couple of months.
i’m pretty fucking excited, let me tell you, about this whole endeavor.
skaldic press social media presence is pretty bare bones at the moment, but you can follow us at:

will this be hard? yes.
will this be a eating bon-bons money maker? probably not.
but i’ve got IDEAS and a burning passion to make this succeed. i have no interest in turning this some sort of MLM with videos, podcasts, and other gewgaws; rather i want to just quietly publish my stuff while i write my books.
wish me luck.

this day in lisa-universe: 2013, 2013, 2008, 1999

in the wilds

Dear Internet,
Teddy has been to a lot of places for a stuffed bear. Grand Rapids. Toronto. San Francisco. Washington DC. Grand Rapids. Detroit. Grand Rapids. East coast.
And now back to Michigan.
TheBassist and I are on a pause.
I’m not sure how long of a pause – could be six months, could be six years. I’m currently in the wilds of the Poconos right now, holed up in a hotel cut into a mountain with a giant unidentifiable stain on the bedspread and in a smoking room. A sugar free RedBull is opened in one of the drink holders in Jeeves and I could queue up the manic to push through the 13 hour drive but I am not in my 20s and at times I can be a bit smart on how to handle things. Thus, with the weather turning from drizzle to sleet,  I pulled over for the night. My alarm goes off at 6AM and I hope to be on the road by 7, in Michigan by the end of the Thursday afternoon.
Last night I received word about the #teamharpy case and we’re allegedly going to trial in the spring. Between that, the cock-up my divorce is becoming (not at the fault of J.), joblessness and looking for a job, added with stress of moving, hemorrhaging money like mad, I was crumbling worse in the last month than the last six months I was in Grand Rapids.
It is not that I don’t love TheBassist. It is not because I don’t want to be with him. It is not that he did anything wrong or his family or friends wasn’t amazing to me while I was there. It is none of these things.
I am being chased by some very large demons, some whom would probably decimate most humans. My sword is only so sharp, my shield is only so penetrable. I had to choose which battles I could could fight to win the war.
This was not a decision I have taken lightly, as we all well know.
I took a big risk. I am proud of myself for taking that risk.
Some of you may not agree with me, but you are not me. The biggest thing I learned during this whole endeavor was, simply put, that I am human. I waffle. I fail. I succeed. I fight. I retract.
Letting me be human was the biggest gift TheBassist could give me.
For most of my conscious adult life, I’ve been very contentious of what the world thought and attempting to correct any short givings I perceived myself to have, to not follow the same paths I came from, that somewhere along the way, I projected myself as being a super woman.
I am not super woman. This has been a very hard lesson to not only learn, but to actually know. I can only do so much before it takes it toll. This is why I saw a medicating therapist last week; this is why I went back on the drugs. This is why I’ll continue taking the drugs, continue seeking therapy. Where I’ll put self-care as a top priority rather than something to deal with later. I’ve been trying to work on this for a long time.
This decision hurt a lot of people, not only myself or TheBassist. I get that. I accept that. Many of you will be angry at me or frustrated. But know this: I did not shift my life 1000 miles on a whim. TheBassist is one of two loves of my life. But the foundations I need in my life in order to have a life with him does not exist. He told me in the very beginning that if our houses were not in order before we came together, our relationship would suffer. He was right. He also understands this.
I did not leave because I don’t love him. Know this. Trust this.
So I head back to Michigan and I formulate another plan. I let the dust settle and come out stronger than ever.
In the interim, once this posts to my Facebook wall, I’ll be deactivating my Facebook account on Friday. I’m also deleting my Instagram account for all those photos of us together would be too painful to see. I am keeping my Twitter account as my primary methods of communication, though I have reigned it in. If you’re a friend of mine and you FB BFF TheBassist, you do not have to unfriend him. And vice versa if you’re a friend of his to me. We’re not asking people to take sides. We ARE asking people to be respectful while we grieve and to remember there is always more to the story than what meets the eye.
Our story is not yet done.
Darkest night, brightest days.

This Day in Lisa-Universe: 2013, 2013

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