i sat here and watched 90210 tonight. This was probably the first time in YEARS that i had sat down and watched an episode all the way through: donna is in love with david, kelly is slutting around and finds out her bf is cheating on her and secretly wants dylan, david is still slumming around doing something. so basically, in nearly 10 years — nothing has changed. the clothes are better, they have gotten older and steve has a kid and is married. 10 years the most pressing issue was what to wear to prom night and today it’s all about getting their first kid into the right school.
my god have the years changed them and me. I’m still a chubby girl wondering what i’m going to do with my life and they are worried or not whether donna’s online business will actually take off. It was so weird to watch this, knowing what is going to happen (this show is beyond predicable) and hearing them talk about e-commerce.
While the show was going on, I spent some time on the net looking for information and came across this (be careful! it has a midi but is actually a really good site) in my travels. Everything i had missed in the last few years i got caught up fairly quickly. I was impressed by this guys incredibly through site. Anyways, while things have changed in the last 10 years for them, things have obviously changed for me. I can’t believe it’s going off the air (even though i no longer watch it) — I’ll miss you old friend.
bean dip
i really wish i was making this up.
my morning routine everyday when i get to work is to hit one of the two kitchenettes at work and grab cawfee (black, tons of sugar). This morning when i had walked in, the first words i heard was “my hair looked like bean dip.”
i dallied around for a bit to find out more.
these two Hispanic women were talking about how when they were younger, they attempted to use sun-in to lighten their hair. one woman went on to say (and i kid you not) “it was that whole i’m a Hispanic trying to be blonde look. i insisted on using sun-in and my hair got the color of bean dip. and i loved the pictures of me at my dads house with this. i can’t see why Hispanic women keep insisting on doing this to their hair.”
end quote.
i walked out of the kitchenette with a smirk on my face, and laughed when i got back to my cube. I mean, this woman had the balls (or the honesty) to say what everyone thinks, even if it is stereotypical. and this maybe racist coming from me but it was just funny — and one of those questions i know i’ve always had “Why do Hispanic women keep trying to go blonde when their hair looks like bean dip?” It’s like Asians and their cars. stereotypes are funny and so often are more true than not. you know i’m so right.
i’m so brittle right now. paul is in a coding funk and i need some love.
baby, stop chewing on that cord!