Book Review: Abridged Classics

A one or two sassy sentenced romp through 100 plus classics with adorable images. You will be the queen/king of the cocktail set.

Title: Abridged Classics
Author: John Atkinson
Pub date: 2018
ISBN: 978-0062747853
When a book is 160ish pages long and each page contains a drawing along with one or two sentences, it’s rather difficult to write a review that will be longer than the book itself. Nevertheless, I will try.
Abridged Classics: Brief Summaries of Books You Were Supposed to Read but Probably Didn’t (phew), is exactly what it purports to be. It’s a collection of 100 classic works of literature, from Jane Austen to Proust and back again, condensed into one or two sentence humorous and snarky summaries complete with illustrations. Warning: It’ll take you less than 20 minutes to read. In short: It’s delightful and perfect for those cocktail parties where you can feign truthfully that yes, you’ve read the Russians and everyone will believe you. It also makes a great gift for just about anyone including that snobby asshole who claims to have read Beowulf in Old English because yes, he’s that asshole.

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