things get even better

my manager just pulled me aside and told me she is leaving to spearhead a new group. so either I go with her (even though I am not familiar with the technology — yet) or I stay in install and see if I can be promoted. I’m not too happy about this because if they stick me with a shitty manager, my life will be doomed and I’m basically at the point that because of my seniority and status that the company can be a bit more flexible in my requests.

the fun never stops

so I’ve been losing weight and a few of my pants are hanging kind of low. because I have huge hips, belts look retarded and is not worth wearing because I do not have a waist and finding a normal belt to wear around the upper part of my hips is like asking for a chicken to give birth to a duck.
with that in mind, I’ve known about how baggy my pants are so I’ve been making sure of wearing long shirts/cardigans and basically making sure that my underwear is not hanging out. well apparently my efforts have have not been working because I got pulled outside to have a meeting with my manager today. Apparently the director of my department walked by my cube and saw that I was wearing leopard print undies — and that I should have a talking to. At first I was stunned and then I started laughing. because you know, it is hilarious. But what got me angry (not like pissed, just, angry) was that they bitched about a short skirt I own that apparently rides up my thighs. First off, I do sit properly when wearing a skirt. Secondly that skirt goes down to my knees. Thirdly, the only time I sit with my legs open is when I’m facing the wall in my cube. Fourthly, I have not worn that skirt in over four months! Fifthly, I have worn that skirt to work for nearly 2 years.
gah. there is a guy here who constantly wears sweat pants and has a major plumbers butt — I mean, it’s down right gross. Apparently they are talking to him too. We shall see, oh yes we will.

this is why i will never ever do system admin for a living.

i hate computers.
i hate unix.
i hate command line interface.
i hate cgi.
i hate the fact that i can not be logical enough to install a damn script so that i can start doing some projects with friends. i get pissed off that i nearly flunked math and sciences and that my brain doesn’t get logical enough for me to handle simple equations.
Only two things are saving me from being completely pissed off:
i get to see tool AND we now have a 24 hour porn channel that paul ordered for us. Yes sirree bob, I sure do love me my dishnetwork.
[Originally published at LiveJournal.]

are you gothic/alternative or trendy?

Why I bother with these things, I will never ever know:
Are you Goth/Trendy/Alternative?
Wow! You’re finished. So here’s how you scored:
Goth 45%
Trendy 20%
Alternative 55%
Conclusion: Angry *and* arrogant! What a combination. You have just enough knowledge of the world to really resent it properly.
[Originally published at LiveJournal.]

Mike is God

mike just im’d me calling me evil.
after having an in-depth conversation with alisha and paul last night on the virtues of religion, as soon as mike called me evil, i had visions for a mere second he was god. that he was telling me my judgment.
that scared me in an ironic weird surreal way.
mike being god.
[Originally published at LiveJournal.]

dance dance revolution

Tonight was supposed to be my first night at dance class, but, work pressure was mounting up today and i got an awful migraine around 4pm that just wouldn’t leave. I called Alisha and told her that I would have to take a rain check till next monday — it wasn’t that I was going to not follow through, fuck, i spent some cash on my shoes (tap and ballet), but for some reason some of the signs of my anxiety flared up (why I dunno, I’ve been taking the drugs), and i thought it was best to go home.
I’m taking a combination of tap/jazz and ballet which is to provide two things a: get me limber and flexible, b: get me in shape and c: so I can dance on the dance floor. I don’t know why lately I’ve been on this club kick even though I haven’t been to a club since, hell, when I left grand rapids four year nearly five years ago, but I have been. I just love dancing. I proudly told Alisha (who is a professional dancer) that I danced from the time I was 3 till I was 9 or 10 or 11 (somewhere in there) where the dreams of a professional dancer sort of got shot with my growth spurt and my big feet (I wore a size 10 shoe starting when I was in fourth grade and I stood over 5′ tall — this has got to tell you something).


I found him after nearly 10 years.
Actually, it was easier than I thought it would be — Shelly has been finding people left and right on, and I hadn’t even ever thought to check that out to see if he was listed. Oh boy, today was my lucky day.
And yes I did email him.
backstory: when i was a young lass (now that I’m old and crotchety), i met this guy, named alan, who was the airborne express delivery guy at the place I worked at. Turns out, after I had been working there for about four or five months, alan had the biggest crush on me. Everyone knew it in the store — except yours truly.
We dated and it was — to put it mildly — really intense. It was for me anyways. Alan was the guy who brought the freak out in me — and it was because of him i went and got my nose pierced. Yes, it’s true. Lisa @ 20 wasn’t as bright as Lisa at 29.
Alan and I dated for about six or seven months, and he was — simply put, my life. I lived, breathed, fucked for that man. Everything in my little world was wrapped around his happiness. Then the day after Christmas, 1991, he broke up with me.
We continued seeing each other on the side — you see, he cheated on me with his now-wife, and cheated on his now-wife with me before he got married — our ‘affair’ lasted another 6 months which lead to a blow out of me getting into fisticuffs with her at a bar shortly after my 21st birthday.
I never saw him again.
Alan, heh, I’m laughing now when i think about it, was the end all be all of existence for quite a few years. Last time I saw him was in 1993, and I didn’t date anyone again until 1995. I cried, bled, screamed and tore up because of that man.
See, I don’t know if Alan’s recollection of me is the same of what I have of him. This didn’t actually dawn on me until tonight when I dropped the email to him — thinking maybe i didn’t make that big of impact on him as he did on me. I’m trying not to let wishful thinking get in the way of memory. I remember the really stupid shit — the times when I was strong and I told him to fuck off and he’d show up at my house and we’d fuck for hours. What was it about me that drove him to her? Why wasn’t I good enough for him? All these questions have been burned in my memory — hell, Danny and I talked about this when I was in Grand Rapids. We were discussing about Danny’s reunion and I said “I have no idea what I would do if I ran into Alan again” — and I didn’t. I still don’t. Why does it matter — now, after all these years?
It shouldn’t, right? I mean, my god, look at how my life has changed — look at how much I’ve changed, look at what I’ve accomplished and done with my life with very little to build on.
According to his bio, he’s in the naval reserve now. He’s clean cut and changed — just as I have changed.
Maybe it doesn’t matter if he does respond to me or not — maybe it just matters that I made the first step to getting closure — and maybe he never realized how much he is part of my commitment issues — if only he had been honest.
I’m throwing blame on him, and it’s true. I never could stand for lying cheating and being dishonorable — and he was all three — but that memory, that memory we all carry of our first big love that burns into our hearts and changes us. That memory which we think is buried deep inside us isn’t — it’s always on the surface waiting to get out.

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