- Broke down all the recycling and stuffed our 96 gallon recycling bin. Recycling pick ups in GRap are every OTHER week. Thanks to Amazon.com Prime, we keep UPS delivery guy busy and our recycling bin filled to near overflowing.
- In an attempt to unfuck the porcelain cooktop to our gas stove, we found Barkeeper’s Friend, which unfucked a lot of the mess TheHusband tends to leaves behind when he cooks and which I can never get clean. It also apparently works well with stainless steel sinks, so you know what is going to get unfucked next. Huzzah!
- Unloaded the diswasher, reloaded it. Washed the hand-wash only pots and wiped the sink down.Then put away ALL THE THINGS. Countertop AND sink are now empty!
- Cleaned down the working areas in the kichen, EVEN PICKING UP THE THINGS I USUALLY WIPE AROUND, and put all putable items away.
ProTip: You know the problem with having a house that is 3200 sqft (297.28 m2) and served over three floors? You need 3x as much shit! You don’t “a” broom, you need THREE brooms (one on each floor). Thus, for every X thing we need for one floor, rule goes you need the same item on other floors. Yes, yes, you could argue you could have one thing and carry it between floors, but let me tell you, that shit gets old quick. Especially with cleaning supplies.
- Unboxed the extra flashlights I bought a few weeks ago since our giant Maglight was apparently dead in the water and has been for weeks.
- I named ALL THE THINGS in the kitchen, with chalkboard labels, that I bought um, in November.
- Started generating a list of ToDo action items to keep on track with this unfucking over the course of the week. Told TheHusband we’re unfucking our habitat and he looked at me like I was crazy. Or that could be love in his eyes, sometimes it’s hard to tell.
- Made a huge dent in the several months worth of magazines that I get through the routing at work. Made note to self to stop routing to me on several titles, took notes on ideas for various projects, and ended up subscribing to to a digital version of one of the magazines. This pile has been following me around since December. 🙁 But now it has been conquered! 😀
For salvaging this day, my reward was purchasing a robot tea infuser. Yer welcome.
That little robot tea infuser is freakin’ hilarious. I’m curious as to how big the holes are…. can you infuse rooibos in this?
Congrats on your UnFucking today! 🙂 I found the magazine one particularly comical.