Dear Internet,
Gratitudes and things that make me happy are a part of my carding coursework, and I track them everyday and I’ll post them here every Sunday. (And I also acknowledge this is going to take me a few weeks to go beyond “I have killer hair.”)
- For the family I have chosen
- For previous lovers who let me view and share in their worlds
- For those I have met over the years who have helped shape me into the person I am today
- For my pets who showed me what unconditional love really is
- For Caravaggio for allowing me to not only fall in love with his work but to finally get what art history really means
- For understanding that a million decisions brought me to this point in life
- For crazy drugs to allow me to be healthier rather than crazy(ier)
- For the wind through the trees to allow me to allow the gods to talk to me
- For sticking to my guns for doing the right thing
- Believing in the goodness of others
- An unexpected phone call from someone I love
- Writing letters and the joy people have when they receive them
- The smell of fresh cut grass
- The feel of clean sheets
- Glitter gel pens for making me smile when i write
- Chocolate. Because chocolate.
- Good burgers
- Making snow angles