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Dear Internet,
For you word stat nerds out there, I’ve written nearly 11,000 words in the last 13 days or about 826 words a day. This is not too shabby considering I had no word goal in mind, but I am pleased this is closer to the 1k mark. If this were NaNoWriMo, I would be half a month behind already – the average per day to make your 50K word count at the end of the month is 1666 words per day. This is the first time in a long time, if ever, that I’ve posted something every day for any specific amount of time. That’s worthy of a,”Fuck yeah!” if I ever heard of one.
The week is catching up with and as it progresses, I find myself becoming more of the dutiful old lady than I care to admit. My schedule has been pretty regulated with early morning appointments and teaching assignments. I get up when the alarm goes off, I get dressed, I have my usual breakfast, head to my first appointment, and out of my rest of my day, 75% will be split up between teaching, meetings, and manning the reference desk. I try to keep up on everything but I will be always perpetually behind. When I get home, I prep for the next day, have dinner, and then shut down until I fall sleep.
I’m currently having a love affair with our hot air popcorn popper, to the point I’ve started eschewing dinner and head to the main attraction instead. I eat a lot of popcorn, several bags a day and it got to the point TheHusband finally made the suggestion I should probably get the hot air popper to streamline my consumption process. I blame my mother for her love of the stuff, of which she ate tons of while pregnant with me. I’m starting to fall asleep at the computer so I’ll keep this short and bid you adieu.
This day in Lisa-Universe:
I am a lover of popcorn as well. Not just any random popcorn, but I actually crave certain types of popcorn.
Sometimes I want the big white fluffy popcorn and others the tight small fancy kernels. Movie theater popcorn is definitely a specific craving and I will forsake breakfast and lunch to hit a matinee and chow down on a bucketful. Kettle corn is a seasonal calling in late summer early fall, with warm days and cool nights complimenting the salty-sweetness of the kettle seasoning. Air popped, microwave and stove top popped each have their own unique qualities so have their own appeal. Air popped with melted butter or air popped with salt and pepper. Microwaved with Adobo seasoning and parmesean cheese. Stove top popped with olive oil and garlic salt. Popcorn mixed with M&Ms. Popcorn mixed with pizza flavored Goldfish crackers. Popcorn mixed with Honey Nut Chex cereal. Popcorn out of a paper bag. Popcorn in a plastic bag. Popcorn in a bowl. Popcorn with extra butter, eaten with a fork. Popcorn in the office. Popcorn at school. Popcorn at work, at the fair, at the movies, on the road.
I never eat popcorn at the beach. #seagulls