MRY: The Packing List

Dear Internet,
I hopscotched my way from Monterey back to Grand Rapids more smoothly than a baby’s bottom, which surprised and delighted me as my past experiences with United have been awful. They have totally picked up their customer service, planning, and execution of getting people on their way which now puts them back in the front for airlines when I go looking for flights.
After TheHusband picked me up late Thursday afternoon, we had an early dinner and then went right home. Not long after I had unpacked and gotten settled from the trip, I slept for nearly 14 hour straight with no breaks even to pee. I was that fucking tired. Some of the people I met at IL were coming down with various and sundry colds and sniffles, so I’m hoping I shook enough of that nastiness out while sleeping, drinking Vitamin C to help (and also helps with potential cases of scurvy), and congratulating myself for having the foresight to take the day after I came home off from work.
For this trip, I was smart enough to grab pictures of my bags once I got to the hotel, before unpacking, and what the bomb explosion looked like after I had unzipped. Exhibits below:



Tom Bihn bag:
  • Tolietries bag
  • Make-up bag
  • Drug case
  • Jewely box
  • Loofa sponge
  • 1 Chucks
  • 1 Tieks
  • (1) dress boots
  • 1 (2) scarf
  • (1) hoodie
  • (1) leather jacket
  • 1 pair of leggings
  • 1 pair of Jammie bottoms
  • 1 skirt
  • 1 jean jacket
  • 1 umbrella
  • 1 ice bag
  • 1 pair of sunglasses
  • 1 pair of glasses
  • 1 brick for Mac Air
  • 2 (3) bras
  • 2 dresses
  • 2 cardigans
  • 2 tank tops
  • 2 (3) pairs of pants
  • 3 pairs of tights
  • 6 (7) pairs of socks
  • 7 (8) pairs of underwater
  • 8 (9) tshirts
(Not seen.) Rickshaw bag:
  • Mac Air
  • iPad
  • Work notebook
  • Personal notebook
  • BBC History magazine
  • The Whale Road (book)
  • Fountain pens
  • Pencil case
  • Clutch with money
  • Bag o’cables
  • DS3
  • Portable recharger brick
  • Quart bag with toiletries
  • Pouch with miscellany

And I’m sure after all is said and done, I’m missing a few items.
There is a couple of key things when packing minimally: Roll everything, bring items that can be worn multiple times, pack as many solid toiletries as possible, and bring as much neutrals as you can stomach.
I was in Monterey for 6 days/5 nights, but ended up with enough clothes for over a week AND I had at least two clean outfits left when I came home. There were a couple of things I didn’t think about when I packed, such as while wearing my dress boots to Monterey, there may be a chance I didn’t want to wear them coming home, which ate into my luggage space. Packing a leather jacket, a jean jacket, a hoodie, and several cardigans seems like overkill, and also eats space, which could be consolidated by getting one neutral jacket that will work for just about all weather types.  I also packed more layers with the outwear because not one weather site was consistent with the constant changes of weather happening while I was going to be there.
Could I have done better? Always can do better. The brilliancy of bringing solid shampoos, body lotions, and body soaps opened up ton of space in my quart bag. Plus I wasn’t feeling cheated out of my toiletries. My clothing choices could have been streamlined more by quite a bit and if I didn’t have this burning desire to dress like a Lifesavers roll every day, it would be a lot easier.
But considering a similar trip taken 18 months ago to a similar place with similar weather had me lugging around a 50lb+ checked bag with all of MUST HAVES, this is bloody brilliant.

This day in Lisa-Universe in: 2012, 2011

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