Chaingang: July 4, 2011

In the mid-late ’90s, I ran a mailing list, “chaingang,” whose sole purpose was to forward links and bits and bobs to interested parties. This is the 21st century version of that mailing list, compiled weekly.

  • Epic ‘Doctor Who’ Infographic Shows History Of The Companions! – I became a Doctor Who convert with the 2005 reboot and have a minor obsession with the series.
  • The History of the English Language in Ten Animated Minutes – One of my minor passions is not only the etymology of English words but how the English language came to be.
  • Penguin Classics App Shakes Up Book Browsing With A Pub Quiz For Lit Lovers – I’ll just simply refer you to this post.
  • Prejudice and Pride: Singing Jane Austen’s Song – I tumbled about this the other day: Kate Harrad gender swaps the characters in Pride and Prejudice, reimagining the classic in a wholly new and wonderful way.
  • Will it blend?: Justin Bieber – Title says it all.
  • Middlebrow: The Taste That Dare Not Speak Its Name – The author argues that the populous as a whole is neither high nor low cultured, we’re just average. And we love it that way.

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