Dear Internet,
Gratitudes and things that make me happy are a part of my carding coursework, and I track them everyday and I’ll post them here every Sunday. (And I also acknowledge this is going to take me a few weeks to go beyond “I have killer hair.”) You can also find the a list of all my gratitudes here.
- For living in an area that has much to offer
- That change is always constant
- For the amazing world we live in
- DBSA, the 12 step program for bipolars
- For the ability to have seen the world when I can
- For vegan versions of dairy products so I can have butter, ice cream, and milk
- For my body allowing me to feel and understand its power
- For not having an addictive personality
- For not being afraid to jump in with both feet
- For listening and often believing in myself
- My cardigan collection
- My tshirt collection
- Fresh cut apples
- Powerpuff Girls
- Polaroids
- TheZelda game series
- First flowers of spring
- The first leaves of fall
- Yoga
- Long walks
This Day in Lisa-Universe: 2000
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