Dear Internet,
As I started prepping today’s piece, it struck me as I am also a gemini and if you’re hip to astrology, geminis are dual natured. I don’t think you could make my life any more hamfisted or obvious.
So today is World Bipolar Day! Last year, I discovered the cause a day after it occurred — which is always my luck. Since I’m so prolific about writing about my mental state of being, I thought I would take today’s entry and point out some of the resources, blogs, and books that I use to keep my brain in check.
A few disclaimers.
- I am not a doctor or a therapist. I cannot treat or diagnose your brain. What I write on this site is what works for me (including drugs, more of which I’ll go into in a sec), so for the love of fuck do not take my experiences as the end all, be all of being bipolar.
- Bipolar is, in short, a chemical imbalance in the brain. Unlike things like anxiety or borderline personality disorder, which are managed by talk therapy, it is nearly impossible to function without some kind of drug therapy, in addition to talking therapy. Yes, yes, I know people have said they manage without drug therapy (or talking therapy) and those people who are successful at managing without any type of therapy, successfully, is tiny. Like really, really, tiny.
- I implore you not to self-medicate.
- There are several different types of bipolarism. I am bipolar 1.
- Bipolar is typically comorbid, which means you can be bipolar AND have anxiety AND so on. I am bipolar 1 with anxiety, adhd, and borderline personality disorder.
- FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK DO NOT DIAGNOSE YOURSELF ON THE INTERNET AND I DON’T CARE IF YOU USED THE MAYO CLINIC / WEBMD / OR SOME OTHER KIND OF REPUTABLE SITE. You can get recommendations from your general physician, your insurance company or in Google: psychiatrist “name of your city” to get a listing of shrinks in your area. You’re going to want a medicating shrink for your drugs and a talking shrink for your talk therapy. Some doctors can do both. They will diagnose you and work out a treatment plan for you.
The below are resources / books I use or have used and found success with in my management of my brain. I am listing mainly bipolar stuff and US based sites. I have found in my searches for “bipolar” or “bipolar blogs”, up comess lots and lots of academic-y pieces on the disorder or links to sites like WebMD with explanations of the disorder but not much after that. I have also found a few sites that were more about snake oil then providing resources or information.
Which brings me to: Be weary of sites that always want to sell you something like, “How I cured Bipolar in 10 Easy Steps” and that kind of crap. If someone wants to sell you their life story on them and bipolar, that’s one thing, but the rest is mostly snake-oil.
Now the recommendations. (Amazingly, to me, the Reddit subreddit for bipolar is pretty chill.)
- Pinterest board where I’ve started curating mental health stuff website
- Article at MindBodyGreen, “I’ve Had Bipolar Disorder For 20 Years. Here’s How I’ve Learned To Manage It” website
- EpbaB tags bipolar | bipolar mania | mentally healthy
- World Bipolar Day website | facebook
- International Society For Bipolar Disorder website
- International Bipolar Foundation website
- Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance website | find local chapter (I’ve atteneded meetings and they are super helpful.)
- BP Hope (magazine) website | facebook
- Reddit /r/bipolar website
- Pendulum website
- End The Stigma website | facebook
- To Write Love On Her Arms website | facebook
- Project Semicolon website | facebook
- Being Beautiful Bipolar website
- The Secret Life of Being Manic Depressive website | facebook
- Bipolar Burble Blog website
- Breaking Bipolar (also done by the same person as Bipolar Burble Blog) website
- Bipolar Mom Life website | facebook
- Bipolar Manifesto website | facebook
- The Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Skills Workbook Included because the information is helpful to bipolars
- DBT® Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition Same as above
- Break the Bipolar Cycle
- The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide, Second Edition
- An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness
- Other titles at Amazon
I am a: Librarian. Writer. Nerd. Geek. Sassy. Pug owner. World traveler. Pierced. Tattooed. Tall.Music and book lover. Discriminating Guinness taster. Aging, alternative hipster. Eco-conscious. Equally in love with James Bond, Jane Austen, and Doctor Who.
I am not the sum of my diagnosis.
My brain is broken but I am not.
I am more the sum of my parts and so are you.
This Day in Lisa-Universe: 2013, 1999
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