Exit, Pursued by a Bear is back!

Hey there!
I’m pleased as punch to announce EPbaB is back. TheHusband and I migrated the content and did the DNS cutover on March 30 to the new provider. The DNS migrated within a few hours and the site for the last two days has been super snappy. While everything is more or less in place, a few notes:

  • There is now an SSL certificate on exitpursuedbyabear.net, which also works for www.exitpursuedbyabear.net. We’ve tested on/off our network, across various browsers, and OSes and you should have no https error messages when accessing the site. If you get an error message of some kind, please contact me and let me know the error and what you were doing so we can trouble shoot it.
  • biblyotheke.net and modgirl.net point to exitpursuedbyabear.net, just as they did before.
  • If you follow via RSS, you should see no change.
  • If you follow via Facebook, LiveJournal, or Tumblr, also no change.
  • If you follow via WordPress dashboard, you’ll need to start following again. The reconnection to WordPress.com doesn’t migrate followers.
  • Links are not broken, but some images are so we’re working on cleaning that up.

That’s pretty much it!  We’re in the process of moving my other domains over in the upcoming week, which I’ll make announcements for as we move.
Update 16:37: WordPress shortlinks were not working as they were displaying the testing server address, so they have been turned off for the moment. RSS was also broken, well, more like GoogleReader and other RSS readers do not like https for feeds. Who knew? This has been fixed.
P.S. In addition to any potential SSL weirdness, if you experience any kind of problems viewing the site (slowness, broken images, broken embeds, etc), please let me know!