As it is seemingly typical in those who live in all season states, when it’s one season we long for it to be another. I moaned, lamented, whined, whinged, complained and whatever other adjective you could possible use about the lack of snow here in the mitten state at the beginning of winter. That is, of course, until we got teased with snOMGeddon a million times (this is what lake effect weather will do to you) and while we aren’t technically in snowpocalypse, it just hasn’t quit fucking snowing.
With all that being said, Carrie (@librarybug) recently commented that it was only 60 more days until spring!, which cheered me the fuck up. After doom, gloom, dry skin, slush and mush, anything resembling the next season of course makes me happy. That is until I moan, lament, whine, whinge and complain that it is too goddamned hot in the summer and oh boy, can I not wait until fall/winter to arrive. Rinse, lather and repeat.
As part of the staging process of the house, the flipper dropped some cash on having the entire property (front, side and back) landscaped to nearly an inch in its life. This is, I hope, what we have to look forward to as the temperatures warm (with a few minor tweaks by us, of course). I’m now adding these exterior shots to remind me that spring really isn’t that far away.