Dear Internet,
How could I not use this image to kick off the inaugural issue of Skaldic Press Presents? That’s like admitting there is no Santa Claus, and we just can’t have that now can we?
Here we are! What exactly is this thing and why are you here? This is a literal question not a metaphorical one. Skaldic Press Presents is the main newsletter for all your things having to do with, well, me. Whether you follow my blog, buy my books, or submit to my ‘zines, Skaldic Press Presents will have all the latest and greatest on your Skaldic Press/Lisa needs. I plan on publishing the newsletter no more than four times a month (unless it’s something stupendous!) and I will never sell your email address — even to Thor himself.
Let us get on with the show of what to expect. First up, Skaldic Press!

I announced Skaldic Press recently on Exit, Pursued by a Bear and was delighted to see how much of a positive reaction was received from the masses. The tl;dr of announcement is when I decided to take a sabbatical to write, it seemed like a pretty good idea to LLC myself for tax reasons. So I did. Skaldic Press will be the publisher of majority of my work, act as the overhead for my soon to be coming eBook empire, and publish ‘zines such as so glad is my heart.
If you follow me on any of my personal social networks, the name should not be a huge surprise to you as I am a tad obsessed with all things viking and nordic at the moment. For those not in the know, a skald was the viking version of a poet, well, they were poets. Skalds were the ones who not only wrote poetry on the fly but were the memories of that particular clan before that shit was written down into sagas. The rune used in the logo comes from is the rune perthro, which has a variety of mysterious meanings. The most widely accepted is that it is the rune for chance, or games, and literally means “cup” so you’ll see a lot of gamers and companies incorporating the rune into their design. Another suggestion is that perthero is tied to sex and sensuality, and one went so far as to say the direct meaning was “vagina.” How in the world can I turn down a rune that may mean “vagina”? I just can’t. And if you kind of look at the rune itself, it does vaguely look like the entrance to a vagina. Or it could just be me.
Moving on!
You can follow Skaldic Press and its (my) many publishing adventures on our website, @skaldicpress, facebook, pinterest, and tumblr.
Next, so glad is my heart.

From the website:
in the summer of 1999, a group of friends got together to publish a little web ‘zine called tripping on stars. the premise was simple: 500 words, creative fiction or not, specifically detailing the little moments in our lives that we often overlook. it was a the little ‘zine that could but sadly, did not. publication ceased after the first month.
i like getting daily stories in my inbox, but the content and size tend to overwhelm me. some publishers will publish just about anything, in any size, and i end up deleting more than i read. i want bite sized pieces to cleanse my palette. stories or thoughts that provoke, challenge, entice, beguile, and speak to me. i didn’t care if it was something as mundane as the 30 seconds it takes to put on your socks in the morning. i want little snippets, either made up or real, about life.
The name comes from the Fagrskinna saga, where a valkyrie laments:
wine to carry,
as for a king’s coming,
here to me I expect heroes’ coming from the world,
certain great ones,
so glad is my heart.
We will be publishing so glad is my heart monday through friday starting in February 2015. Submissions are currently being accepted and remember! They cannot be any longer than 500 words!
You can follow so glad is my heart via the website, @sogladismyheart, facebook, and tumblr.
Last, but not least, Exit, Pursued by a Bear.

So, ready for something kind of amazing? I’ve been keeping an online diary of some sort since, officially, 1998. Yeah, 16 years. SIXTEEN YEARS. My little blog can fucking drive!
This past July, on the blog’s anniversary, I wrote a history of the blog, which you can read on the site. But as for now, the domain hopping and such are done and I plan on staying at EPbaB for a very long time. If you’re new to the blog, what’s it about?
My schtick is that I have no schtick. I wrote about everything. Nothing. I’m equally prone to writing about being sexually harassed at a conference to putting together a list of methadone to get you to the next season of Downton / Miss Fisher / Sherlock; with side doses of discussions on being bipolar and my top three future husbands (with bonus auxiliary husbands). There is no “brand” other than my need to chronicle every minute of my life. And I like creating lists.
You can follow the blog, well, on its’ website, facebook, tumblr, livejournal, and you can also follow my personal twitter account too.
Thank you for hanging out with me! This week’s parting gift is this gif of He Man from the video,