it’s snowing!

and it was 80 and sunny at high noon today.
paul and i were both incredulous about this until our friend and neighbor corey IM’d me and told me that it was freaking snowing outside. We knew the weather had changed as Paul and I had started leaving the house earlier this evening with garbage and plans to go out grocery shopping. Upon seeing the rain that was heavily pouring down, we immediately dropped the bags of garbage outside by the front door and just decided that going to dinner seemed like a better option.
and it’s five am.
i’ve spent the better part of our evening doing web design. excuse me, reading about web design and seeing what i could come up with on my own site. I had decided that since i had a super sekret project coming up on May 1st that I would spend some quality time reading crap on the web and getting a feel for the competition as it were. The really funny thing is that every so often, I’ve gone on rampages about online journals because they are always these increasingly similar design (valley of the online journal dolls) aspects with little content. I actually, swear to christ, found a webpage where a woman wrote down exactly what she did everyday. Like “I slept until noon. then i read. then i went to the store. then i came home and took a shower.” i mean, entry after entry of crap like that. The funny part was, i was so enthralled (admonished? scared? rubbernecking?) that i read about three months worth of her entries. I was bored shitless, but i still read them.
another ironical thing is that i remember talking about way back when that there was some pretty designs out there and i would get into a fit because i couldn’t come up with anything worthwhile in my opinion (though, Mike did come up with a sweet design for me nearly a year ago and i kept that (though revisioned it) over that period. But i need something new. So TADA! here it is.
Poll question: Would you prefer to read a journal that had a spiffy splash page and then a link to it or something where the content was ever changing?
see, i’m torn. i don’t know what to do. people i’ve talked to have said that the the changing content on the front page kept them there. no one likes a splash page anymore i guess. One of these days I’ll get creative enough to do something other than my 2-3 frame deal (you try managing nearly a 100 text files and tell me how you like it), but until now, it’s gotta be simple and to the point. so please. someone let me know. a few 100 of you freaks read this damn thing so fucking kick me some damn email about it.
planetary alignment
it’s been one of those weeks.
i should have known by the fact that i haven’t gotten up on time all week, or the fact that paul’s been walking around the house growling or the fact that everyone and their brother has just been downright nasty. i wish i knew what it was — it was not me dropping eggs or anything emotional/physical, but it has warranted enough attention due to the fact that paul and i have been at each others necks all week. his work stress, my work stress, other stress. friends in need, friends in deed. planning for the future, meeting his parents. life in general. death. chaos.
i’ve been doing a lot of thinking about that recently. as it would seem, pauls old roommate actually went and got hitched this past week (which, while it was both a surprise and a shock, i do wish them well, i just still think they got married for the wrong reasons), and i know of several other couples who will be taking the plunge at some date, and then i start thinking “how do I know if paul is the one?” and the funny thing is that i just do know. I mean, yah, some days I want to wring his neck but the anger subsides and we are back to smooching again (note to self: keep laptop out of server room. no work is being done with paul rolling his chair over every five minutes for his gratuitous grope ;). I know that we are the amusement to our friends: when we have our tiffs, we have our tiffs. And there have been several times when we have blown up in front of company (more my fault than his as i’m always looking for a fight some days), but the good times far out weigh the bad and the bad times or tiffs are so few and far between i don’t think anything about it. but it’s scary. thinking that i will be spending the rest of my life with paul (well, paul has said that i’ve swallowed the receipt. 30 is fast approaching me and am I really ready to be settling down?)
The answer is a resounding yes.
i’m up! i’m up!
it’s 1pm.
i stumbled into bed this morning about 6am — and i would have stayed up if it weren’t for the fact that paul had said that I was going to bed whether I liked it or not. At 4 AM we had gone and done a dunkin donut run (our weekly ritual) and we had both gotten cawfee drinks. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to sleep anytime soon, but somehow i found myself walking into the bedroom, taking my contacts out and hopping into bed.
Paul and i have been having these strangest arrangement in regards to our sleeping habit. Both of us have our little rituals we must complete before going to bed, but had found that the way we sleep ended up with our backs to each other instead of us facing each other. When we had swapped sides of the bed, I found that not only was I sleeping WORSE but that I wasn’t getting up on time (alarm was on pauls side now), I couldn’t hear the phone half the time and Paul was stealing the covers MORE SO than before. We kept going around and around on this and finally last night was the last night we slept in that fashion. While it may seem silly to you, the funny thing is (as paul pointed out) that our bodies are conditioned to sleep in specific ways and if you change that way, it disrupts your sleeping habits. I hadn’t really thought about it too much until, again, paul and I had switched.
because every other time we have stayed up late on the weekends and not gotten up till 4-5 PM, i made paul set the alarm for noon giving us a good 6 hours of sleep. And of course, I’m the only one who heard it and got up (well, paul heard it too, as he kept slapping the snooze button every nine minutes). and so now i’m up, it’s 1PM and it’s sunny out and currently 50 degrees outside. and for some reason, my new cawfee cup from starbucks keeps making snap/crackle/pop! noises.


i sat here and watched 90210 tonight. This was probably the first time in YEARS that i had sat down and watched an episode all the way through: donna is in love with david, kelly is slutting around and finds out her bf is cheating on her and secretly wants dylan, david is still slumming around doing something. so basically, in nearly 10 years — nothing has changed. the clothes are better, they have gotten older and steve has a kid and is married. 10 years the most pressing issue was what to wear to prom night and today it’s all about getting their first kid into the right school.
my god have the years changed them and me. I’m still a chubby girl wondering what i’m going to do with my life and they are worried or not whether donna’s online business will actually take off. It was so weird to watch this, knowing what is going to happen (this show is beyond predicable) and hearing them talk about e-commerce.
While the show was going on, I spent some time on the net looking for information and came across this (be careful! it has a midi but is actually a really good site) in my travels. Everything i had missed in the last few years i got caught up fairly quickly. I was impressed by this guys incredibly through site. Anyways, while things have changed in the last 10 years for them, things have obviously changed for me. I can’t believe it’s going off the air (even though i no longer watch it) — I’ll miss you old friend.
bean dip
i really wish i was making this up.
my morning routine everyday when i get to work is to hit one of the two kitchenettes at work and grab cawfee (black, tons of sugar). This morning when i had walked in, the first words i heard was “my hair looked like bean dip.”
i dallied around for a bit to find out more.
these two Hispanic women were talking about how when they were younger, they attempted to use sun-in to lighten their hair. one woman went on to say (and i kid you not) “it was that whole i’m a Hispanic trying to be blonde look. i insisted on using sun-in and my hair got the color of bean dip. and i loved the pictures of me at my dads house with this. i can’t see why Hispanic women keep insisting on doing this to their hair.”
end quote.
i walked out of the kitchenette with a smirk on my face, and laughed when i got back to my cube. I mean, this woman had the balls (or the honesty) to say what everyone thinks, even if it is stereotypical. and this maybe racist coming from me but it was just funny — and one of those questions i know i’ve always had “Why do Hispanic women keep trying to go blonde when their hair looks like bean dip?” It’s like Asians and their cars. stereotypes are funny and so often are more true than not. you know i’m so right.
i’m so brittle right now. paul is in a coding funk and i need some love.
baby, stop chewing on that cord!

the man who

i’m tired.
i can’t remember the last time i’ve felt so drained. i’m not sure when the last time i’ve felt this way before — i’m sure it’s probably been pretty recent, BUT, the thing is, i sat at work today, bored. BORED out of my mind.
I was thinking today on the way home how I’m liked at work, but i’m not popular. I’m not sure if this really makes a difference to anyone, but it makes a difference to me. Especially since I was coming from where respect was earned about who you fucked, not what you do. Anyways, I like where I work as there is no time clock to punch, i manage myself and my work can be somewhat exciting. But i’m not driven by it and i’m not passionate about it and i don’t think, no i’m sure that this is NOT what i want to do with the rest of my life. The problem is the following: It pays well, it’s impressive and it looks well when people ask me what i do for a living. The downside is: i’m bored, it’s stressful, and it can disrupt my life (ask Paul about the many days i’ve come home at 10-11pm at night). A lot of the people that i work with, really do love what they do. It is challenging and it can provide satisfaction and you do learn on the job. But, to me, I’m bored. I don’t care if someone wants a t1 or not. Seriously. It didn’t take long for me to become cynical about the job after speaking with consultants day after day who were not hip to what they had exactly ordered. and the times i have to explain over and over what dns is and bgp. i don’t give a fuck what my ex-boss Scott says, this is a tech support job — just way more high falutin.
when i first started working at UU, everyone told me how much they loved their job, how stable it is and how much the management (even with WorldCom’s interfering fingers) was incredible. And to be honest, none of that really has changed but there has been a rash of people leaving and we’ve gotten so many new “engineers” that now i’m a “senior engineer” which frightens me because i don’t feel like i know enough to be a “senior” engineer in anything.
one of the managers, lenny, whom i’m friend with; suggested that i come work with him in his department which is in the same region as i work in. there have been so many rumors and accusations with so many shifts of power, that i am not sure what to believe. but i do know that i don’t want to transfer to another department after the fiasco i had with working with scott.
i was thinking today that i have worked exactly half my life. i got my first job when i was 14 (working at sbarros pizzeria at woodland mall in grand rapids). i can’t remember why i had gotten the job, other than i wanted to demonstrate responsibility and make my own money. i made 3.15 an hour as i bussed tables and i fended off advances from the young Italian stud who worked in the kitchen. i don’t know why i quit. probably tired of being hit on, couldn’t get rides and i was not doing anything really worthwhile. the jobs lead on to working at footlocker, a few restaurants and etc and so on. now 14 years later, after holding down variety of jobs and such, i find that it’s 14 years later and while my life has changed significantly, i just find that this whole working thing is pointless. especially when i got the social security update of my earnings and i haven’t earned really jack. it was so depressing reading all those bright and shiny figures to realize that when i am 65, it will all mean nothing.
can you imagine working for another FORTY YEARS? I can’t.
here is a new pic of me and paul. new as of tonight.
i’m really really tired.
see you tomorrow.

in the pink

I’m obsessed with the color pink.
for the last few seasons they have been directing it back to springy pastels and pink always seems to be the color that is in. everywhere i turn, there is some slinky brunette (brunettes are also in this season — have you seen jenny mccarthy recently?) whose wearing some light pink lipstick with this beautiful pink dress (okay, so as you are probably already are aware that i obsess over minnie driver). and i’m standing there, thinking to myself “i can look like that.” and i can. i have pale skin and i HAD dark hair and now i’m a stinking red head.
and it fucking figures, i find these awesome shirts while i was shopping yesterday and the only colors i can wear is white OR black because any of the pretty new colors make me look like a washed out ho.
i’ve been threatening to re-dye my hair for the last two weeks. i don’t know what made me think i could carry red hair off again — but everyone seems to love it and paul tells me it makes me look that much more beautiful (and who the hell is going to argue with that logic). when my brother was here visiting, i had gone on a rampage and purchased ultra-blue and the red hair dye. four hours later, i walked out of the bathroom, completely changed from bright black hair to bright red hair. and i twitched.
this whole change of hair color was supposed to make me feel better, but within a week i was crying in the kitchen while paul kept telling me that no, i did not look like redneck white trash. but i still cried and went out and bought my usual feria “starry night” and waited. paul convinced me that i should stay red (and i did the usual dance “does this color look good on me”), my brother said so, my friends at work say so. i just look fabulous as a redhead (and this isn’t auburn baby — this is really red). But unfortunately, I got so tied to my gawf hair from hell that it’s hard to let go. maybe if i got it cut — i would feel better.
so i ‘m standing in the middle of a store last night with Sunni, lenny’s wife. i find these neat shirts that i really wanted. they had black, white, checkered lime green, checkered orange, orange, this beautiful pink shirt. i really really wanted to wear that pink shirt. i really wanted to strut around in that pink shirt and black pants and just flip my hair all around. i’ve been feeling very princessy lately.
so i grab a few shirts in a various colors and try them on. obviously the standards black and white look fine. then i try on the pink.
i really really want to wear this shirt.
and i almost started crying in the middle of the dressing room.
i looked like hell. i did not look like the spring bloom that i had envisioned. my hair had completely thrown off the color and i looked like someone had made me look like shit. i felt and looked like hell. i kicked. i screamed. i frightened the ladies at the store.
i really really wanted to wear that damn shirt. however, with my coloring i was forced to buy the black and white shirts. i couldn’t even wear the nifty checkered shirts.
this may seem trivial, but it sucked major ass. i’ve always felt that i was behind the times in clothing styles (though i’ve been told that i’m more hip than hip — and they are hip. let me tell you) but yet i’m not. okay this sounds really girlish (Queen Latifah rocks) but I’ve always fought with this inner thing inside of me. part of me wants to be the queen of cutting edge fashion, thin, beautiful, well loved and like. the other side of me wanted to be like this uber gawf queen with the balls to wear vinyl and pvc with no problems and not giving a damn about what people thought. i keep finding myself caught between these two rocks without a middle man to call home.
all because i wanted to wear this stupid pink shirt.
i’m not sure what got me on this special tangent, but the thing is majority of my clothes are black OR gray OR brown. the smattering of color i have looks good on a brunette but not on a redhead. and i’m sick of looking like the goff queen. it sucks. i’m tired of it. i prefer black hair, it looks better with clothing, i think i look better. but everyone loves me in red and gee, i’m going to have buy a new wardrobe to go with this color.
i’m just kidding.
that pink shirt though symbolizes a lot to me. it symbolizes how i am at one point and i want to be another. i will have that pink shirt, if is the last thing i will do.

2 AM

we were a motley crew.
paul, dayan, moe and i had decided early this morning to make a made run to get donuts. but the run to get donuts required us to drop off video games, go to cvs and buy condoms, hair dye, hair bleach, altoids, and wax.
as we sat in our living room playing psx and eating, i kept thinking: what did those people think seeing three guys, a girl coming into CVS at 2 am and purchasing 3 packs of condoms, altoids, and the other stuff. I mean, doesn’t it look funny?
I used to think about stuff like this when i would go to meijers or any store and look into people’s baskets. I always felt like the perennial female with buying douche, condoms, and lean cuisine. the variations of this themes are endless. i used to peek into other peoples carts and laugh at what they bought knowing that sometimes the implications of what we think is not always what the picture is.
American beauty
we had gone to see high fidelity tonight. which was interesting as one of pauls quirks is that we have to sit upfront in the first aisle to watch the movie.
i’m not kidding.
paul said if i didn’t like it, we could move, but i didn’t really see any difference with the movie anyways — except that my ass hurt but that is not uncommon when sitting down and watching a movie. so i sat there with my neck craned up, with derrick sitting behind us as paul i and fought for space on the arm rest. at one point during the middle of the movie, i had gotten up to get our large coke refilled and found out that they were “closed” and would not be doing refills. the young lithe young lady behind the counter looked at me and said “we are closed. we don’t do refills.” and i replied “but i will pay for it.” i mean, how fucking hard is it to push a button on the pop machine? obviously, it was too hard, to even please a customer. think about it. you are in the middle of the movie. you’ve just slurped down a large bag of popcorn, your boyfriend just ate a big plate of nachos. you are sharing a single coke. you both suck that sucker down within 10 minutes into the movie. you’re thirsty. you want more. you trot out (and miss probably like the most interesting 10 minutes in the whole movie) to find out that they are closed? okay, maybe i was being hormonal and i wanted to rip someone’s throat out BUT! every movie theater i have ever been to (and we are talking about two different countries and three states here), this movie theater was the ONLY one that closed down the concession stand while the movie was still playing.
to get my goat even more so, when we were leaving, i had looked over to the concession stand (sneering, if you must) to see about 10 people getting refills.
someone is gonna die.
and the movie?
it was wonderful of course. john cusack rocks my little world.
now only if i can get this damn crick out of my neck.

high fidelity

a few years ago, i had written a fairly lengthy email to a mailing list i was on in regards to how i had fantasized my life would be like when i was in high school in comparison to what was reality. to say i was disappointed is a small under statement by far. i was thinking about this recently when i was reading a book (also by said name in title) High Fidelity which chronicles the tales of a 35 year old guy who owns a record store and realizes, he needs to grow up. [side bar: why is it that this book has 184 user comments on it and yet almost everyone one of them HAS to give a brief synopsis? geez.]
Yes, this book the movie of the same name.
just so you know what kind of mood i’ve been in reading wise lately, i’ve been plowed through Model Behavior, American Psycho and Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.
if that does not give you an idea of what my mind has been like, then i don’t know what does. 🙂
what was my point?
hell if i remember, or that CHiPS is on teevee right now, and after spending time talking to keth, setting up the new amazon associates partner thing and talking to paul about the new cgi crap for, i’ve completely lost my mind in what i am doing.
and i just got sidetracked reading keth’s page. Hon, you are NOT working for inreach anymore and dan doesn’t live in calgary anymore. it’s so time to update your page.
i keep wanting to do shift-a for some reason.
esc – shift a.
so where was i?
so i’m sitting here thinking about a 35 yo who hasn’t grown up yet, a 26 yo who is affluent and off killing half of manhattan and a black transvestite. and i’m wondering about me.
i read somewhere about an infamous pronstar who reinvented herself at 28 and viola there she was.
i’m irritated by an acquaintance of mine who spent quite of bit of time explaining via his journal how it was no longer a journal any more and i was like “this guy is spouting a bunch of crap” and i had written a rather mean and scathing email about how he was being a fake pretentious asshole and didn’t send it. i honestly didn’t see the point. he’s got scathing humour. i once told him he sold out, and he emailed me back saying that everything wasn’t about money and i had this long email in my head i wanted to write to him about how i wasn’t talking about money and giving up his artistic vision for the sake of something or another and then i realised: he’s a bright guy, he’s going to either ignore this for it’s tripe that he think it is or he’s going to respond and i realised that it was too much energy to tell him how i felt, even though, in the past that is something he had wanted from me. and it comes to me, i really don’t know this guy at all — not really. i know of him, and we’ve shared journal entries and talked to each other, but it’s not like we’ve made major impacts on each other. maybe we have and i haven’t paid attention to it but the point being is that i realised that i didn’t care about what he thought any more (one word or two)? i used to think he was a bright scathing wit and he still is, but he’s lost his edge. (And I’m a major chicken shit for writing this in *my* journal, but no one ever said life was fair).
it got me thinking about my own life.
Paul and I are happy.
I need to reiterate this because i’ve gotten several close friends asking me if we are on troubled waters. nope. paul and i are like the the proverbial married couple: fat and happy. both of us have gained weight and are actually fairly successful in our jobs. while we have little time to ourselves (das geek-haus is becoming a popular hang out place, enough to warrant a mailing list).


actual statement from a bank on declining me for a credit card:
“we’ve determined that you have sufficient balances on existing revolving credit lines.”
does this make sense to anyone else?
i don’t see how a company can determine that a household with over 6 figure income feel that 1500 credit balance is “sufficient.”
i just find that to be incredibly funny.
last night, while i was beating my laptop for being such a piece of shit, paul decided to go ahead and pull up my credit report. It seems that equifax will for a low price of 8 dollars give you access to your most recent report. Checking i found that everything in the last two years was pretty darn spotless (no late 30,60 or 120 day reports, no judgements, no nothing). It was the stuff in the early 90s that’s killing me. But what was also interesting is that equifax has the wrong address, wrong birthdate, and a bunch of wrong information about me.
we had had a big discussion with friends about this on Saturday night when we were all sitting around watching kung fu madness. it seems incredulous to me (and paul and derrick and everyone else) just how hard it was to get credit these days. in the early 90s, when i was in my late teens, early 20s; you could walk into any department store and get a credit card and you were virtually on your way. Now, we are discovering with Paul, with /no credit/ file is just as bad as having bad credit. We can’t get him anything: not a gas card, department store card, hell not even a best buy card. he gets declined more often than I do. I told him what we needed to do, and what we are doing, is to get him on on the cards I have that is unsecured but has a high interest rate. he can use this card for all of his spontaneous shopping purposes (as well as finally send me flowers at work 🙂 without having to bug me about it.
i’m pretty happy with my current credit file save for the older and mis-information on it. I’ve worked my ass off to make sure that everything was set up correctly for it so that I wouldn’t have issues matters and concerns about the credit reports when i wanted something (a new car, new house, new body, whatever). my project this week is calling companies that show that i owe money and make a deal: you send me a letter stating that you will remove my bad credit statement from my record and you’ll get your money. sounds good to you? sounds good to me.
brotherly love
my brother, all 7’4 of him, will be flying into DC this upcoming it was an impromptu flight as we had been talking about him coming here for spring break, but it was all dependant if his basketball team won their last game before the playoffs. he wins, he’s got tourneyments to play in. he loses, he is coming to DC. since it was such a late date at getting him a ticket, the price was sorta high (and my brother has the misfortune to live in bfe Illinois where he’s too far to get a plane out of a major city) but well worth it in the end.
i haven’t seen him in nearly two years. i can’t wait.
this magic moment
we had a dozen people over at our house this past Saturday night for “Kung Fu Madness” in which we sat around eating Chinese food and watched bad kung fun movies. since we had stipulated that everyone be gone by 3am, we then carried the party out to denny’s where we sat talking about geeky stuff, while i read the USA Today from that weekend and party goers for Mardi Gras were stumbling in at all hours. As we got dropped off by our friends Lenny and Sunni in front of our apartment complex, paul had asked me if we had checked the mail for Saturday since we hadn’t we started walking towards the clubhouse to get said mail. Paul suddenly called out “sweetie” and as I turned around he jumped up in the air, literally clicked his heels and started singing “chim chimney” from Mary Poppins. It was then that I confirmed what I always knew: I’m going to marry this man.
I had related this to Paul last night when I was sitting here waiting for my windows laptop to stop being pissy (spent nearly 3 hours fixing various problems to get it working — don’t say a word). he looked at me like i had told him that i was insane as if that one defining moment was strangely the reason why i would marry him — and not any other particular moment. what can i say? it’s the little things that mean a lot.
this morning i woke up with him making me breakfast (which we shared while sitting in bed) and singing an elton john song as he brought it in. i giggled as he did this and look over to my left as he sits on the couch working on his laptop (his and her laptops — how wrong is that?). i love paul. i’m in love with paul. those defining moments which last mere seconds is what defines it for me.

size does matter

in the whole spirit of this whole spring cleaning ideal, i decided to wear the new Victoria Secret bra/pantie/tshirt combo that i had purchased yesterday to work. And along with this, i decided to wear the new velvet maryjanes i had bought (with paul and derrick glaring at me and jen at the shoe store when i had ran my credit card through with a sly grin). i was thinking about this today as i schelpped around in my new shoes, which were 1/2 a size too big and making my feet hurt. i kept getting these funny looks from people as i walked because due to the humidity, my feet were making squishy sounds in the shoes with every step i took. after a few trips up and down to the smoking area and making general pit stops to the bathroom, my feet literally began to feel like small boats.
for some reason this reminded me of my aunt jackie — who loved to initialize everything she owned. i remember when i was about 6 or 7 (and of course being the favorite niece), that for some occasion she had taken me down to People’s Jewelers (high falutin in Port Huron Michigan, right across the street from the chic Winklemans) to get me a gold initial ring. The ring was a size 7 1/4, and I remember that we made it such a special day to go get this stupid ring. I don’t remember how much it cost, but I do remember it being 14kt gold and that she had it made for my ring finger. in a small oval had my simple initials “lmr”.
i was thinking about this today as i shuffled around work. My shoes were a size 11 and I’m more like a true 10.5 (which you can never find — so i opt for one larger size). I’ve been “tall” as long as I can remember. I remember being measured at 5’10” in the 8th grade and wearing size 10 shoes in the fourth. I can’t remember a time that I wasn’t tall, didn’t have big feet and fat fingers.
And I found it just odd, that here I am, barreling down towards 30, and I still wear the same size shoes and my ring finger is now an 8, when I was 7 it was 7 1/4. That while I’ve held down my own image of still being young, in many ways, i’m still 7 looking at the pretty ring on my finger.

spring cleaning

well, hi.
as you have probably figured out, you have been re directed to a new domain. a few days ago, i had sent out a chronicle to the mailing list only that talked about how i was feeling — primarily with having the domain oh sure, there is nothing aesthetically WRONG with the domain, but after having it for nearly two years and being known as this name for longer, there were just too many bad feelings going on with it. this isn’t a new thought (i had mentioned it before for months) but it was time to do something about it.
i was trepidations about getting another domain. i already own 6 previous to this and other than, nothing else was actually being used (half-hearted projects i had come up with and stuff i had thought about doing), so those domains were just sitting there. my friend dayan and paul both suggested that i use, but that didn’t seem to jibe either.
i really, really wanted
why you ask?
because back in my early 20s, i had bitched to my shrinks that i only seemingly had two redeeming qualities: being incredible in bed AND being able to write. while i’m sure paul won’t let me run off to start making pronmovies (and we’ve been seriously talking about making our own to boot), something about the name pronstar just is so *me*. so to commemorate a new year, a new life, it was time for a new domain name.
in the spirit of cleaning, i’ve removed all dead files from the other domains ( org) and everything points here. Paul and I are going to be working on sometime this week (to celebrate our community we are seemingly founding) and we have also grabbed (which will be especially for northern Virginian geeks as we are now like the social coordinators of everything going on).
so what does all this change mean for you, the average viewer?
basically, nothing. if you are on the mailing list, nothing will change as the name of the journal is still called “the lisa chronicles”. And if you have come here by the redirect from, all you have to do is rebookmark the site. the only thing is that there are going to be broken links here tonight as i’ve been pretty impatient on getting this up — as you will see the design has stayed somewhat the same but the aesthetics have changed. i’m slowly going through broken links and through pictures and finally getting everything straightened out. hopefully during downtime within the following week, there will be very little site maintenance to do other than daily updates.


i finally found a good reason why i haven’t written!
12.28.99: video driver corrupts and my computer barely dies. takes nearly a week to find a working 98 cd-rom in which i can reformat and reinstall the damn os and get everything working again. thank goodness for multiple computers, not so great when one of them is a 486 laptop and a quardra 68040 computer. Needless to say, the main machine is fixed.
1.25.00: I get an email from my friend Jenni who declares “must be some damn good dick to keep you away from the puter”. all i have to say is: 🙂
1.30.00: after not receiving email as often per day as i should for about a week, i get an email (well two) from two separate people who do two separate things for me (one, bryan hosts and the other jericho does some mailing lists i ‘m on. Turns out that someone who was also hosted at dreamhost has been using their box for spamming and thusly, the ip that my domain is sitting on is being RBLd.
my friend dan has a particular entry that is fantastic. while the internet world continues to evolve from something resembling a romper room, you can be sure it’s men like him that make a girls knees go weak.
just go read the damn entry.